Sair Walker - The Ninja

My Inspiration

“It shouldn’t be this difficult”

I have lost count of how many times I have said this over the years, but it is so true!

For many years I was a Project Manager with an exciting job, business travel and a great package including company car.

 Little did I know, I was actually The Ninja!

Instead of going back after my maternity leave, I took the hard decision to stay at home to look after my son and to understand his needs & to find solutions to help him.

My two boys between them have Autism, SPD, Dyslexia, dyscalculia, anxiety & other complex learning difficulties. Like many other parents, when we first got an EHCP we thought that all our prayers had been answered, but unfortunately, we had believed in a system that was set up to fail us.

I quickly learnt that I had to understand the system, and how to beat it. My kids deserved the right educational provision and I HAD to help them

Fast forward eighteen years and I have two amazing sons who I am extremely proud of. My eldest successfully completed his GCSE’s and is studying A levels in a specialist sixth form. My youngest is just finishing his GCSE’s and is off to mainstream college to study Art and Architecture.

All this success, not despite their disability, but because of their ability (oh yeah, and a mother that is relentless in fighting for their rights!).

Over many many years and thousands of hours, I’ve won my children’s rights against local authorities to change schools, challenged provision & won the right to move from mainstream to specialist education. I have fought for IEP’s and EHCP’s. I’ve won 5 tribunals.  That’s just my personal story.

I now champion children’s rights against a system that is broken, and win. I am going to keep on winning, I’ll keep on being the voice for those who, through no fault of their own, sometimes can’t say exactly what they mean, but always know what they want.

I actually like form filling & research! Understanding SEN is my career. I’m on your side – helping struggling parents cope,  fight and win.

The first time I won a placement for a friend, before the idea of this being a business, which has now grown to a community, they told me that they were so happy, how me my words cut through the piles pf paperwork put forward by the system. They said I was like a Ninja.

It Happened!

SEN Ninja was born.

I share my knowledge to honour those that helped me in my journey. A journey that won’t stop and keeps me learning. A journey that will create more champions.

Here I am.

I am Sair.

The SEN Ninja.

A mum on a mission.

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